Eurasian red squirrel

What’s that long, bushy tail scurrying across the branches? Chances are, it’s a squirrel. From the tiny least pygmy squirrel—more than 13 centimetres long—to the Bhutan giant flying squirrel at more than one metres, these mammals come in all shapes and sizes. Today’s image features a Eurasian red squirrel, photographed in the Netherlands. The red…

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Happy New Year

New Year’s Day is celebrated on 1st January in most of the countries around the world, as most countries follow the Gregorian calendar. However, in some countries like China, New Year’s Day, or the first day of the New Year, is celebrated according to their own calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar. However, most of…

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Fireworks over Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canad

New Year’s Eve, also known as Old Year’s Day, is celebrated around the world with revelry, fireworks and for some, religious and cultural observances. Many countries celebrate with foods symbolic of prosperity, long life and good fortune for the coming year, and many people sing Scottish folk song ‘Auld Lang Syne’ at the stroke of…

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Merry Christmas

Every year, on December 25, millions around the globe celebrate Christmas by remembering the birth of Christ, decorating trees and houses with colourful lights, singing Christmas carols and exchanging gifts. Looking deeper into the Christmas celebrations you’ll find some things that we all can learn from. FAMILY TRADITIONSAND GATHERINGS   Family reunions are somethings we…

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Half-timbered Houses of Freudenberg, Germany

Freudenberg is a charming little town nestled in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The town lies in the beautiful hilly uplands, ranging from 243 to 505 metres above sea level. The town is made up of 17 communities spread across about 55 square kilometres, two-thirds of which is lush forest, mainly broadleaf and…

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Palazzo Zuccari, Rome, Italy

At the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome, take a left underneath the imposing Catholic church. Down an unassuming side street, there’s a surprise waiting for you: a house of monsters. Welcome to the Palazzo Zuccari, a 16th-century palace where myths seem to come to life on its façade—grotesque faces swallow up its doors…

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Ancient town of Sorano, Tuscany, Italy

Sorano is a serene medieval village perched atop a cliff in the Italian province of Grosseto, southern Tuscany. Walking through the age-old cobblestone streets, one can explore the Fortezza Orsini, a fortress-turned-museum that dates to the 11th century. Visitors engage with centuries-old tales of power and defence with each step they take inside the fort….

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Aspens near Marble, Colorado, USA

Slender white trunks reaching skyward and leaves fluttering even in the gentlest breeze—aspen trees are a symbol of the American wilderness. Found across the western states, especially in Utah and Colorado, these trees are the most widespread native species in North America. Their autumn foliage is breathtaking, with their leaves turning a vibrant yellow that…

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