About US

Birth-15 February (3rd Falgun)

Father- Mohammed Fazle Ali khan

Brother- Five brother, two sister

First brother –Major Shawkat  Ali Khan now ritier and AZAX Jute mill MD.

Second brother-Anower  Ali khan work garments business

Third brother-Mustafizur Rahman khan, he is  police I. G.P  (Inspacter genarel of  police)

Fourth brother-Amanullah Khan, he is business man

Younger brother- Ahsanullah Khan he is American university P.S.D

My elder sister she is work London, his husband is counciler and then retair.

My husband Abdul Hameed Chowdhury, he is awami lege general secretary and then Qatar ambassador in Bangladesh.

My four daughter, elder daughter Asma Chowdhury Jhangirnager university  professor. His husband Dr. liaqat Ali Diabeties Hospital professor. His one daughter and one son. Daughter Dramatic graduate. Son Nibir read Dr. in Bogora.

My second daughter Salma Chowdhury Gold Medalist in painting and song. Now she began online job.

My third daughter Dr. Selina Chowdhury is Dhaka medical college Gynecologist. Now she is working job in UK. Forth daughter Shamima Chowdhury read college. Nazma chowdhury is Lions, Ladies, W.V.A member and Y.W.C  life member.